Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Babies everywhere...

I just had to post this when I saw it. I know there is a tonne of stuff on YouTube (and loads of baby related stuff... sigh) -which is why I usually don't hang out there much but wait for people to find the funny stuff, however this one came up randomly has anyone seen it? I giggled. Ah toilet humour. It seems the baby trend has spread here. Two women in my lab are preggers (one with twins). Babies everywhere...

Oh and this is cute too... (I am not clucky...)

Ok enough, now I really have to go to bed. Have to get up early to chat to G (stupid computer viruses infecting work computer. Lucky me I get a brand new virus grrr)


GB said...

Oh no, not clucky at all...

DV said...

can't hear ovaries going clang at all :)