Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Okay, so BT challenged me to write a blog entry every day for a week. It may look like I missed a day, but technically although it was after midnight when I wrote the last entry, I hadn't gone to bed yet -the previous post still counts as the 3rd of July. This one is a second post to make up for it.

I would just like to point out:
Good one BT, challenging me to posting daily the week you are going away!!! Fine leave and have fun in NZ then. At least there will be stuff here to read when you get back.

Not much happened today (that's what you get with daily postings...). Today was a public holiday and it rained most of the day. Fortunately it stopped so the fireworks still happened. They were breath taking! I have seen so many that after a while they seem same old-same old. But this was a huge display (apparently the largest land based display). It went for ages and had some cool elements I hadn't seen before. Lots of great bangs. Today felt like a Saturday. Unfortunately it isn't and the boss is back from holidays tomorrow. There goes the peace and quite. Everyone is so more relaxed when the boss is away.

More pics from out trip to Zion NP:
I love how the snow brings out the cracks int the cliff faces. I love snow.

This Zion pic is my desktop pic. What's your wallpaper?

1 comment:

GB said...

Nice pics.

You asked what our wallpaper was? Well, mine is of a couple having a private kiss in front of the Eiffel Tower. It's cute and hopelessly romantic, but you know what I say about romance!