Monday, July 2, 2007

I miss the sound of silence

After 8 peaceful quiet months, I finally have neighbours in the apartments either side of mine. Before I moved one apartment over, the guy who used to be in the apartment I am in now was very noisy. He often played loud music and had loud parties. His girlfriend was even louder and would turn up late at night and bash on his door yelling his name at the top of her lungs. I wouldn't have let her in either. This use to go on and on. When they moved, so the apartment could be renovated, I was very relieved. At least the renovators worked 9-6pm. I then moved into this renovated apartment last October so my old one could be renovated. It has been vacant since then as has the apartment on the other side. This weekend both apartments were filled. I swear the walls are made of paper as I can hear the tv clearly next door. When my new neighbour in my old apartment has people knock on her door it sounds like they are knocking on mine. She was up late last night hammering her pictures up. I guess I became use to not many people around because right now I am very aware of people constantly walking up and down the balcony outside my window or hanging around and talking out there -I hear it all. Tonight neighbour on the right made friends with neighbour on the left and they have been going to and fro from each other's apartments. I like living in houses!!! I miss houses!!! I am thankful everyday that I live on the top floor. I am sure people below hear people thumping around above. When I first arrived at this complex I will never forget the couple below my apartment and the huge fights they use to have. Full on scary rows of slamming doors, screaming and shouting. I was always worried about them injuring each other. One night I distinctly remember after one of their rows, hearing the woman crying in the bedroom directly below mine. At times I had almost considered calling the police. For now if I need to block it all out I just turn up my tv or music.

Ok so I need to get out more. Lucky for me there is a party tomorrow... Wednesday is 4th of July and so we have a public holiday. I have been invited to a party which was going to be on Wednesday night until everyone invited convinced the host to make it Tuesday night so we don't have to worry about going to work the next day. Fortunately he was convinced. Makes sense to me.

Here are more pics of the Art Car Parade:
This one reminded me of contact that you use to cover school books with:

Starlight Starbright...

I love the feet sticking out of the inverted car, and the person upside down is real:

Gargoyle car:

1 comment:

Mz. B.Trousers said...

How does it feel? You wrote heaps!
I like the gargoyle car. Way spooky.